Who are we?
Stebon is a happy and thriving three-form entry primary school serving a multicultural, predominantly Bangladeshi community near Canary Wharf in the East End of London.
Our pupils are at the heart of everything we do. They are happy, friendly & well-behaved & they love learning. They make excellent progress so that, by the time they leave us, they are achieving results in all subjects that are well above the national average. And they do it all with a smile on their face.

In short, what defines us is our:
- Rich, vibrant curriculum
- High achievement for all pupils
- Excellent professional learning opportunities for staff
- Bespoke leadership development programme
- Strong community links
- Effective partnerships
This is the school's vision statement
To all the pupils at Stebon Primary School,
The staff and governors at Stebon promise you that by the time you leave us:
- You will have had fun, discovered your talents & celebrated many successes along the way.
- You will love learning, believe it can take you anywhere and want to keep on learning more.
- You will know that life is a fantastic adventure, have dreams for your future and the confidence to take on the challenges that await you.
- You will have grown healthy and strong and understand how to look after your body and mind.
- You will have made friends and learned to treat other people with fairness, compassion and respect.
- You will understand that the world is a wondrous place and be inspired to make a difference.
A melting pot
Stebon is a multi-faith, multi-cultural, multi-lingual school, with pupils and staff hailing from nearly 20 different countries & practising many faiths, the majority being Muslim. This has a very positive impact on the school; we feel extraordinarily lucky to be so diverse. We recognise just how much we can learn from one another & ultimately just how similar we all are.

School-based training & staff development

Professional development is a priority for all of our staff, whatever their role. We have, for example:
- Outstanding initial teacher training provision with the LETTA SCITT
- ECT programmes for early career teachers for the first 2 years of their teaching
- Accredited training for mentors
- Apprenticeship & Kickstart opportunities in a variety of roles
- NPQSL for leaders and ongoing bespoke leadership development training from external consultants
- Regular training for teaching assistants including NVQs
- A HT who is a Local Leader of Education and trained NPQ facilitator
Significant partnerships
We could not achieve the things we do on our own. So building & maintaining a variety of strong partnerships has always been a priority. We:
- Are members of the Poplar Partnership group of schools with & through whom we work on areas such as Assessment for Learning, transition & parental engagement. The Poplar Partnership pioneered shared services employing, for example, 2 full-time social workers & a school health advisoracross the partnership
- Enjoy a particularly strong partnership with another local school, Bygrove Primary School, with whom we have joined to form a multi-academy trust – the LETTA Trust. Teachers from the two schools plan & design curriculum delivery together, making the best use of each other’s’ strengths & expertise. We also deliver economies of scale by attending much of our staff training together
- Are founder members of the Tower Hamlets Education Partnership
- Play a key role in The East London Teaching School Hub for whom we provide CPD facilitation & Initial Teacher Training
- Work closely with the Bow Arts Trust on creative projects, particularly at KS2
- Have worked with Morgan Stanley to develop a bespoke, flexible volunteering package enabling 60 MS employees to volunteer at Stebon in all sorts of ways
- Always develop strong partnerships with parents through regular meetings & events, encouraging carers to become increasingly involved in the life of the school.
- A thriving parents’ group facilitated by our full-time family engagement officer
A healthy school

We understand that learning how to look after our bodies & minds is one of the most important things we can do at primary school. We have:
- A specialist PE & sports teacher who teaches all the children in the school & supports the professional development of teaching staff in PE
- Achieved numerous awards, including Advanced Healthy Schools status– one of only 8 schools in the LA to have done so – Healthy Schools London Gold, Healthy Early Yearsstatus & School Games Gold too
- Philosophy for Children, Restorative Justice, & PSHE as key elements of our curriculum
- A range of fruit daily for pupils in the Early Years & KS1 as well as milk & water.
- A healthy tuck shop that sells snacks such as fruit, cereal bars & yoghurt drinks.
- Actively promoted physical activity during breaktimes; lunchtime sessions of rounders, skipping, etc & training for midday supervisors in supporting games in the playground.
- 2 hours of PE a week in which sports such as football, netball, cricket, rounders, hockey, dance & gymnastics are rotated on a termly basis; swimming lessons from reception up to Y6.
- Our own swimming pool! We have timetabled for 3 other local schools to use the pool.
- We encourage children to start their day in the healthiest possible way, by getting exercise on their journey to school. The children are welcome to walk, cycle or scooter to school and can leave their bikes and scooters in our shelters to collect at the end of the day. On the occasions that you do have to come to school by car please be aware that the children’s entrance is marshalled for the children’s safety so you will need to park elsewhere and walk to the entrance.

- Investors in People Platinum
- Inclusion Quality Mark – Centre of Excellence
- The London Mayor’s Schools for Success (top 6% of schools making a difference to the low attaining pupils)
- Advanced Healthy Schools
- Healthy Schools London Gold
- School Games Gold
- Sapere Philosophy for Children (P4C) Silver
- STARS Sustainable Travel Accredited Gold
- Eco-Schools Green Flag Status