
2024: Inclusion Quality Mark – Flagship School Status

We are delighted to announce that Stebon School has been awarded IQM Flagship School Status. We are one of only 100 schools nationally recognised as a Centre of Excellence.
IQM provides nationally recognised validation of inclusive practice and commitment to educational inclusion in schools.

2021: Inclusion Quality Mark – Centre of Excellence

We are delighted to announce that Stebon School has been awarded IQM Centre of Excellence Status. We are one of only 200 schools nationally recognised as a Centre of Excellence.
IQM provides nationally recognised validation of inclusive practice and commitment to educational inclusion in schools.

2023: Eco Schools Green Flag

We are proud to be an Eco School! Each year, pupil representatives from each class work with teachers on different projects centred around environmental issues and what actions we can take to tackle them.

"It has been great to see positive changes in your everyday practise when thinking about recycling, reusing and basically how we can be more thoughtful of the planet. Even more of a pleasure was to work with the children on the different projects we did and to see the enthusiasm in all the pupils throughout the school to work towards each award. They have become more aware of the choices they make and how they impact their lives and the wider planet. The good, green work doesn't stop here though. We are reassessed every 2 years to maintain our Green Flag status!"

Stebon School retain Eco-Schools Green Flag status!

Excerpt from Eco-School 

It’s very impressive that you have formed such a large Eco-Committee. It shows that young people in your school are aware of environmental issues and committed to being active and creating positive change. How lovely that all but one of the previous year’s Eco-Committee decided they’d like to partake again, this shows how much they value the experience of being on the Eco-Committee, and their passion for improving their school and local community, whilst combatting climate change.”

Your Curriculum Links are interesting and innovative, your Biodiversity one will help young people take more interest in their local environment, your Marine one will help them understand the impacts of climate change at a national level, and your Global Citizenship one puts climate change in a more global context. It’s great to read that you have used environmental issues to enrich learning in your school – this is exactly what the Eco-Schools Team hopes is achieved by participating schools.”

Green Class Promise

‘What is a Green Class Promise?’  This is inline with the ethos of Stebon being an Eco-Schools green flag member. It is essentially a class discussion/display/action, where you talk about what you can do as a team, to ensure that you’re all being as environmentally responsible as you can be at school and the wider world.

2023: Shakespeare Gold School

We are delighted to announce that Stebon School has been awarded ‘Gold School’ status by the Coram Shakespeare School Foundation. 

This award is in recognition for ‘outstanding commitment to the arts’.

2022: Artsmark Gold Award

Stebon has been awarded a prestigious Artsmark Gold Award in recognition of our excellent arts and cultural provision. Artsmark is the only creative quality standard for schools, accredited by Arts Council England.

2022: The LETTA Trust - Investors in People PLATINUM award

The LETTA Trust, made up of Bygrove and Stebon Primary Schools, has been awarded Platinum accreditation against Investors in People Standard, demonstrating their commitment to realising the potential of their people.

Mathew Filbee, the IIP assessor commented “All those interviewed agreed that professionalism, learning and coaching, expertise, collaboration, teamwork, innovation and the people culture are what make the LETTA Trust the success it is today and they are happy working there.”

“The school cultures have evolved and even more managers have been developed and are adopting the same ‘people first’ philosophy as the Leadership team, so that both centrally and in local teams everyone reported an even more positive and engaging working           culture.”

The assessor also stated, “As an accredited SCITT, Apprenticeship provider and Kickstart Gateway organisation LETTA is delivering a huge amount to the benefit of education in Tower Hamlets and beyond.”

In conclusion, Mathew Filbee added:

“The positive ethos of LETTA is lived day-in, day-out and is focused on the whole person, both for children and staff.”

“The LETTA Trust is seen as being a friendly organisation that cares deeply about its staff and lives the ethos it has defined for itself. It has very high standards, but this is matched by high levels of care and support for people, both pupils and staff.”

Therefore, “The result of this assessment confirms that the commitment to people, both the pupils who attend The LETTA Trust and to staff, is genuine and is applied with levels of maturity.”

2019: The LETTA Trust - Investors in People GOLD award

The LETTA Trust, made up of Bygrove and Stebon Primary Schools, has been awarded Gold accreditation against the Investors in People Standard, demonstrating their commitment to realising the potential of their people.

The Trust was established in July 2017 with a social equality and justice mission.

Paul Devoy, Head of Investors in People and Matthew Filbee, IIP Assessor said:

“We’d like to congratulate The LETTA Trust. Investors in People accreditation is the sign of a great employer and an organisation committed to achieving success by realising the potential of their people. The LETTA Trust should be extremely proud of their achievement.”

Jo Franklin, CEO of The LETTA Trust said, 

People are the bedrock of great schools. This accreditation recognises the amazing work that all staff do everyday to support one another across the Trust for the benefit of the children. We are delighted.”

“The LETTA Trust values of Aspiration, Innovation, Equality, and Generosity are integrated into people processes such as recruitment and selection. Belief in the authenticity of the values was very high. “There was widespread appreciation for the guiding principle and philosophy of Ubuntu. It is rare to visit an organisation where the values and ethos are so consistently and authentically lived. “The LETTA Trust” he said “has to be acknowledged as a key art of the wider success story of education in Tower Hamlets over the last 20 years.” Summing up Matthew Filbee added: “This is a highly collaboration environment; a very rich & uplifting place to visit. The immense commitment to the learning & development of great teachers who go on to be great leaders was displayed by everyone.”

Investors in People is the international standard for people management, defining what it takes to lead, support and manage people effectively to achieve sustainable results. Underpinning the Standard is the Investors in People framework, reflecting the latest workplace trends, essential skills and effective structures required to outperform in any industry. Working with clients across the globe, Investors in People enables organisations to benchmark against the best in the business on an international scale.

For more information, please contact Rabea Begum on

2020-21 & 2021-22: The Mayor of London’s Schools for Success

In inviting Stebon to be a ‘School for Success’, the Mayor of London wrote: “Congratulations Stebon Primary School. DfE data shows your school has made fantastic progress with students that started behind their peers …

“Schools for Success … gives exceptional schools like yours the chance t share their story. I want others to learn how you have helped your low-achieving students to make progress in the top 6% of London schools. It is clear you are doing something right to ensure all your students have a bright future.”

He went on to say we were, “a shining example to others of what can be achieved”.